Monday, January 24, 2011

Laneige Perfect Renew Set and Mamonde BB Cream

For my new start of the year, I made my first skincare purchases at the Korean Amore store.  Getting Amore products is a problem for many people because they don't have that many Amore stores in the U. S.  I am lucky that I have access to one because it's always good to feel and see the products in person verses buying them purely online.  The owner at this Amore store is very friendly and generous with samples for me to try.
And I always come back for more since I like what I try.

Laneige Perfect Renew Set:
After the busy holiday season, I got the Laneige Perfect Renew holiday set to pamper myself and get a good start of the new year: refiner, emulsion, and cream, full sizes + travel sizes as a bonus for getting the set.
This set is suppose to help early signs of aging by tightening pores and skin, which I do feel that it's working. I love how the products just sinks into your skin and I get a dewy not oily look. Downside is $$ but if I was going to get it anyway, it's best to get them in sets like this during some promotion. 

Mamonde Mineral BB Cream:

This is my first BB cream purchase although I have sampled many brands before.  The other brands made me look orange in natural lighting but this one adjusted very well to my fair Asian yellow skine tone.  It does feel thick when you first start using it but with practice, you will learn to spread it out better and you won't even feel it on your skin.  It's a light to medium coverage and works better for oily skin with a light brush of powder on top of this. I especially like to use this outdoors because of the SPF.  It did not cause me to break out and I always double wash in the evenings when using this.

Laneige Balancing Emulsion and Water Bank Cream and Perfect Renew Dual Touch Eyes:
I tried the Balancing Emulsion and Water Bank Cream together as my nightly routine for a few days.  I find that while the emulsion has a good texture, the Water Bank Cream 2 EX is better for me than the Water Bank Cream 1 EX because I have oilier skin.  They are nice products that hydrates my skin without leaving it oily.  But I don't get the tightening feeling that I get when I use my Laneige Perfect Renew products for anti-aging effect.  But then the basic line cost less then the Perfect Renew line.

Laneige Strawberry Yogurt Peel, Yogurt Pack, and Water Sleeping Pack, priced $20 - $23:
The Strawberry Yogurt Peel is a gel scrub that you spread on dry clean face and gently rub in circular motion for about a minute.  I noticed that it formed white dry flakes and I tried to use them as the scrubbing medium.  The strawberry fragrance in this product is not as strong as the Yogurt Pack.  After rinsing off my face, my skin felt significantly smoother. I also get this same effect when I use The Face Shop's Peeling Day products (full review under my The Face Shop entry), which are very similar but cost less, only $15.
The Strawberry Yogurt Pack looks like a thick lotion with tiny pink beads in it and it smells so yummy.  After the peel, I spread this on using circular motion to give me a facial massage at the same time.  The tiny pink beads just melts away and the lotion gets absorbed in minutes.  Directions says to rinse off but I don't see a need to since all the product got absorbed already.  I just sleep in this delicious smelling face and find my complexsion very supple the next morning.  I did not break out even when I slept with it on all night.
I finally tried the Water Sleeping Pack, Laneige's most popular item. The texture is a light smooth gel that absobs quickly into the skin.  There is almost no fragrance to this.  My skin feels moisture balanced without being greasy.  I liked the texture and tried using it this morning as a moisturizer, worked great keeping my face fresh and moisturized.  I have oily skin but need moisture in winter time so this is something I could use night and day during dry winters.


Will update after trying.


Will update after trying.

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